Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Italian, approx 1526-1593
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Giuseppe Arcimboldo oil paintings
Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Item ID:20938
The Librarian
Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Item ID:20939
Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Item ID:20940
Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Item ID:20941
Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Item ID:22368
The Waiter
Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Item ID:22369
Summer II
Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Item ID:22427
Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Item ID:22428
The Seasons Pic 1
Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Item ID:22429
The Seasons Pic 2
Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Item ID:22430
The Seasons Pic 3
Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Item ID:22431
The Seasons Pic 4
Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Item ID:22432
Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Item ID:23378
Four Seasons in One Head, c
Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Item ID:23379
Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Item ID:23380
Water II
Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Item ID:23381
Winter II
Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Item ID:23382
The Lawyer
Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Item ID:23383
Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Item ID:23384
Fruit Basket
Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Item ID:23385
Eve and the Apple
Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Item ID:23386
The Cook
Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Item ID:23387
The Vegetable Gardener
Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Item ID:23388
Eve and the Apple, with Counterpart
Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Item ID:23415
Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Item ID:23416
Earth II
Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Item ID:23417
Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Item ID:23418
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Artist photo

Giuseppe Arcimboldo (also spelled Arcimboldi) (1526 or 1527 - July 11, 1593) was an Italian painter best known for creating imaginative portrait heads made entirely of such objects as fruits, vegetables, flowers, fish, and books - that is, he painted representations of these objects on the canvas arranged in such a way that the whole collection of objects formed a recognizable likeness of the portrait subject.

His father, Biagio Arcimboldo, was an artist. Like his father, Giuseppe Arcimboldo started his career as a designer for stained glass and frescoes at local cathedrals when he was 21 years old.

In 1562, he became court portraitist to Ferdinand I at the Habsburg court in Vienna, and later, to Maximilian II and his son Rudolf II at the court in Prague. He was also the court decorator and costume designer. King Augustus of Saxony, who visited Vienna in 1570 and 1573, saw Arcimboldo's work and commissioned a copy of his "The Four Seasons" which incorporates his own monarchic symbols.

Arcimboldo's conventional work, on traditional religious subjects, has fallen into oblivion, but his portraits of human heads made up of vegetables, plants, fruits, sea creatures and tree roots, were greatly admired by his contemporaries and remain a source of fascination today.

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