Pablo Picasso

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Pablo Picasso oil paintings
Woman in an Armchair
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27883
Science and Charity
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27884
portrait of josep cardona
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27885
lola picasso's sister
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27886
the couch
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27887
embrace in an attic
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27888
menu for els quatre gats
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27889
interior of els quatre gats
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27890
girl at her dressing table
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27891
pierrot and columbine
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27892
dwarf dancer
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27893
the prostitute
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27894
courtesan with a jeweled necklace
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27895
Woman in blue
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27896
the woman in a bonnet
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27897
women at the well
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27898
the aperitif
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27899
the glass of beer
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27900
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27901
the sleepy drinker
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27903
woman with a shawl
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27904
seated nude back view
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27905
prostitutes at a bar
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27906
the teo sisters
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27907
maternity by the sea
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27908
the mistletoe seller
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27909
the embrace
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27910
the young girl with bare feet
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27911
nude with crossed legs
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27912
the soup
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27913
the disinherited
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27914
the old guitarist
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27915
the old jew
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27916
sebastia junyer vidal with a woman
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27917
the tragedy
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27918
portrait of senora soler
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27919
the soler family
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27920
La vie
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27921
sleeping woman
Pablo Picasso
Item ID:27922
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Artist photo

Picasso (25 October 1881 - 8 April 1973) was a Spanish painter, draughtsman, and sculptor. As one of the most recognized figures in 20th-century art, he is best known for co-founding the Cubist movement and for the wide variety of styles embodied in his work. Among his most famous works are the proto-Cubist Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907) and his depiction of the German bombing of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War, Guernica (1937).

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