the spy
by Rene Magritte
the delights of landscape
the palace of curtains III
reflections of time
the alphaber of revelations
the tree of knowledge
The secret life II
the use of speech II
the automaton
the secret life III
the literal meaning
the false mirror
the literal meaning II
the literal meaning III
Threatening Weather
the literal meaning IV
helmeted sausage
The Six Elements
plant eith word
on the threshold of freedom
the annunciation
portrait of E.L.T. mesens
the interpretation of dreams
the curse
the view
the voice of the air
the future of statues
act of violence
the tempest
the universe unmasked
the human condition
the unexpected answer
Lady of the Night
the light of coincidence
the ladder of fire
elective affinities
the discovery of fire
the rape