Martin Johnson Heade
United States, 1819 - 1904
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Martin Johnson Heade oil paintings
Martin Johnson Heade (August 11, 1819-September 4, 1904) was a prolific American painter known for his salt marsh landscapes, seascapes, portraits of tropical birds, and still lifes. His painting style and subject matter, while derived from the romanticism of the time, is regarded by art historians as a significant departure from that of his peers.
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Complete list of Martin Johnson Heade's oil paintings
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- Willem Koekkoek Dutch Painter, 1839 - 1895
- Vittorio Reggianini Italian, 1858-1938
- William Bradford American Painter, 1823 - 1892
- William Christian Symons British, 1845 - 1911
- William Dyce British, 1806 - 1864
- William Etty English Painter, 1787 - 1849
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- William James Glackens U.S. realist painter, 1870 - 1938
- William Henry Hunt English watercolour painter, 1790 - 1864
- William Henry Knight English painter, 1823-1863
- William Henry Midwood British painter
- William Holmes Sullivan British Painter, 1870-1908
- William Lee Hankey RWS British Painter, 1869-1952
- William Logsdail British, 1859-1944
- William McGregor Paxton American Painter, 1869-1941
- William Michael Harnett American Painter Irish-born, 1848-1892
- William Morris English artist, writer, architect, furniture and textile designer, 1834-1896
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