Leonardo Da Vinci

Italy, 1452 - 1519
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Leonardo Da Vinci oil paintings
Mona Lisa
Leonardo Da Vinci
Item ID:30369
Last Supper
Leonardo Da Vinci
Item ID:30370
Virgin of the Rocks
Leonardo Da Vinci
Item ID:30371
St John the Baptist
Leonardo Da Vinci
Item ID:30372
Self Portrait
Leonardo Da Vinci
Item ID:30373
The Virgin and Child with St Anne
Leonardo Da Vinci
Item ID:30374
Female head
Leonardo Da Vinci
Item ID:30375
Head of a Warrior
Leonardo Da Vinci
Item ID:30377
The Battle of Anghiari
Leonardo Da Vinci
Item ID:30378
Head of Christ
Leonardo Da Vinci
Item ID:30379
La belle Ferroniere
Leonardo Da Vinci
Item ID:30380
Madonna Litta
Leonardo Da Vinci
Item ID:30381
Portrait of a Musician
Leonardo Da Vinci
Item ID:30382
Portrait of Cecilia Gallerani
Leonardo Da Vinci
Item ID:30383
Saint Jerome
Leonardo Da Vinci
Item ID:30384
Madonna with Flower
Leonardo Da Vinci
Item ID:30385
The Madonna of the Carnation
Leonardo Da Vinci
Item ID:30386
Portrait of Ginevra Benci
Leonardo Da Vinci
Item ID:30387
Leonardo Da Vinci
Item ID:30388
Study of an Old Man's Profile
Leonardo Da Vinci
Item ID:30390
Leonardo Da Vinci
Item ID:30391
Leda II
Leonardo Da Vinci
Item ID:30392
Madonna with the Yarnwinder
Leonardo Da Vinci
Item ID:30393
St John in the Wilderness
Leonardo Da Vinci
Item ID:30394
Leda III
Leonardo Da Vinci
Item ID:30395
Leda and the Swan
Leonardo Da Vinci
Item ID:30396
Madonna with the Yarnwinder II
Leonardo Da Vinci
Item ID:30397
Madonna and Child with a Pomegranate
Leonardo Da Vinci
Item ID:30398
Head of a woman
Leonardo Da Vinci
Item ID:30399
Salvator Mundi
Leonardo Da Vinci
Item ID:52913
The baptism of christ
Leonardo Da Vinci
Item ID:52914
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Leonardo da Vinci was a Florentine artist, one of the great masters of the High Renaissance, who was also celebrated as a painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, and scientist. His profound love of knowledge and research was the keynote of both his artistic and scientific endeavors. His innovations in the field of painting influenced the course of Italian art for more than a century after his death, and his scientific studies?particularly in the fields of anatomy, optics, and hydraulics?anticipated many of the developments of modern science.
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