Italy, 1488 - 1576
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Titian oil paintings
Tiziano Vecelli or Tiziano Vecellio - Titian is considered to have been the greatest 16th-century Venetian painter, and the shaper of the Venetian coloristic and painterly tradition. He is one of the key figures in the history of Western art. Titian, whose name in Italian is Tiziano Vecellio, was born in Pieve di Cadore, north of Venice, by his own account in 1477; many modern scholars prefer to advance the date to about 1487. In Venice, he studied with Gentile Bellini and then with Giovanni Bellini, but only the latter left a lasting imprint on his style.
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Complete list of Titian's oil paintings
Previous 10 Artists
- Sargent, John Singer United States, 1856 - 1925
- Seurat, Georges French, 1859-1891
- Signorelli, Luca Italy, 1450 - 1523
- Sisley, Alfred France, 1839 - 1899
- Steele, Theodore Clement United States, 1847 - 1926
- Steen, Jan Holland, 1626 - 1679
- Waterhouse, John William English Pre-Raphaelite painter, 1849 - 1917
- Stuart, Gilbert Charles American , 1755-1828
- Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista Italy, 1696 - 1770
- Tissot, James France, 1836-1902
Next 10 Artists
- Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de France, 1864 - 1901
- Turner, Joseph Mallord William England, 1775 - 1851
- Velazquez, Diego Rodriguez de Silva Spain, 1599 - 1660
- Vermeer, Johannes Netherlands, 1632 - 1675
- Veronese, Paolo Italy, 1528 - 1588
- Vinci, Leonardo da Italy, 1452 - 1519
- Watteau, Jean-Antoine France, 1684 - 1721
- Backer, Jacob Adriaensz Holland, 1608 - 1651
- Backer, Jacob de Belgium, 1555 - 1590
- Badger, Joseph United States, 1708 - 1765
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