John Singer Sargent
United States, 1856 - 1925
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John Singer Sargent oil paintings
John Singer Sargent was an American painter who is known for his glamorous portraits of eminent or socially prominent people of the period. He was born in Florence, Italy, of American parents. He studied art in Italy, France, and Germany, receiving his formal art education at the ɣole des Beaux-Arts and in the Paris studio of the noted French portraitist Carolus-Duran. He spent most of his adult life in England, maintaining a studio there for more than 30 years and visiting America only on short trips.
Criticized for what some believed to be a superficial brilliance, Sargent's portraits fell into disfavor after his death. Since that time, however, these same canvases have been acknowledged for their naturalism and superb technical skill. About 1907 Sargent tired of portrait painting and accepted few commissions. He then worked chiefly on European scenes in watercolor, in a notably impressionistic style. Among his more famous works are El Jaleo (1882, Gardner Museum, Boston), Madame X (1884, Metropolitan Museum, New York), The Wyndham Sisters (1900, Metropolitan Museum), and Boats at Anchor (1917, Worcester Art Museum, Worcester, Massachusetts).
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Complete list of John Singer Sargent's oil paintings
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- Poussin, Nicolas France, 1594-1665
- Prendergast, Maurice Brazil United States, 1859-1924
- Redon, Odilon French, 1840-1916
- Rembrandt Holland, 1606 - 1669
- Reynolds, Joshua England, 1723 - 1792
- Ribera, Jusepe de Spanish, 1591-1652
- Rivera, Diego Mexican, 1886-1957
- Rose, Guy American, 1867-1925
- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel England, 1828 - 1882
- Rubens, Peter Paul Netherlands, 1577 - 1640
Next 10 Artists
- Seurat, Georges French, 1859-1891
- Signorelli, Luca Italy, 1450 - 1523
- Sisley, Alfred France, 1839 - 1899
- Steele, Theodore Clement United States, 1847 - 1926
- Steen, Jan Holland, 1626 - 1679
- Waterhouse, John William English Pre-Raphaelite painter, 1849 - 1917
- Stuart, Gilbert Charles American , 1755-1828
- Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista Italy, 1696 - 1770
- Tissot, James France, 1836-1902
- Titian Italy, 1488 - 1576
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