Adelsteen Normann
Norwegian painter, 1848-1918
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Adelsteen Normann oil paintings
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Adelsteen Normann (1 May 1848 - 26 December 1918) was a Norwegian painter who worked in Berlin. He was a noted painter of landscapes of Norway. Normann was the artist who invited Edvard Munch to Berlin, where he painted The Scream. Normann's fjord paintings are credited with making the Norwegian fjords a more popular tourist destination.
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Complete list of Adelsteen Normann's oil paintings
Previous 10 Artists
- Vliet, Hendrick Cornelisz van Dutch, 1611-1675
- Voirin, Leon Joseph French, 1833-1887
- Vollon, Antoine French Realist Painter, 1833-1900
- Vos, Marten de Flemish, 1532-1603
- Cornelis Vreedenburgh Dutch, 1880-1946
- Vroom, Hendrick Cornelisz Dutch, 1566-1640
- Vouet, Simon French painter and draftsman, 1590-1649
- Xavier Gose Spanish artist, 1876-1915
- Abraham Bloemaert Dutch painter, 1566-1651
- Adam Elsheimer German artist, 1578-1610
Next 10 Artists
- Adriaen Brouwer Flemish genre painter, 1605-1638
- Adrian Ludwig Richter German painter and etcher, 1803-1884
- Adriano Cecchi Italian, 1850-1936
- Aelbert Cuyp Dutch landscape painter, 1620-1691
- Albert Neuhuys Dutch, 1844-1914
- Alexander Koester German artist, 1864-1932
- Alexandre Cabanel French painter, 1823-1889
- Alfred Dedreux French Painter, 1810-1860
- Alfred Thompson Bricher Britain birth USA painter, 1837-1908
- Alonso Cano Spanish painter, 1601-1667
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