Antonello Da Messina

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Antonello Da Messina oil paintings
Antonello Da Messina
Item ID:27650
St. Sebastian
Antonello Da Messina
Item ID:27651
Christ at the Column (detail)
Antonello Da Messina
Item ID:27652
Antonello Da Messina
Item ID:27653
Crucifixion II
Antonello Da Messina
Item ID:27654
Portrait of a Man
Antonello Da Messina
Item ID:27655
Portrait of a Man II
Antonello Da Messina
Item ID:27656
Portrait of a Man (Condottiere)
Antonello Da Messina
Item ID:27657
San Cassiano Altar
Antonello Da Messina
Item ID:27658
Portrait of a Man III
Antonello Da Messina
Item ID:27659
Portrait of a Man IV
Antonello Da Messina
Item ID:27660
St. Jerome in his Study
Antonello Da Messina
Item ID:27661
The Dead Christ Supported By An Angel
Antonello Da Messina
Item ID:27662
Virgin of the Annunciation
Antonello Da Messina
Item ID:27663
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Antonello da Messina was a Sicilian painter and one of the first Italian masters to use the Flemish technique of painting in oils. Antonello was born in Messina. His early career is largely conjectural, but he is now believed to have studied and worked in Naples, where oil painting was practiced. Antonello was in Venice from 1475 to 1476 and so impressed the Venetians with his virtuosity that he was given a state stipend. Among his known works from this period are a Crucifixion and the San Cassiano Altarpiece (1475-1476, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna). The latter is famous for its superb handling of perspective, its glowing colors, and an elegance of detail that rivals Flemish art. Antonello returned to Messina in 1476 and there completed his Annunciation (1476, Galleria Nazionale, Palermo), his last painting before his death. Among his most notable works are Portrait of a Young Man (1474, Dahlem Museum, Berlin), Ecce Homo (1474, Metropolitan Museum, New York City), and Il Condottiere (Portrait of a Man, 1475, Louvre, Paris).

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