Bartolomeo Passerotti

Italian Mannerist Painter, 1529-1592
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Bartolomeo Passerotti oil paintings
The Butcher's Shop
Bartolomeo Passerotti
Item ID:46302
The Fishmonger's Shop
Bartolomeo Passerotti
Item ID:46303
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Bartolomeo Passerotti, His name is also spelled Passarotti or Passarotto.(1529-1592) was an Italian painter of the mannerist period, who worked mainly in his native Bologna. He traveled to Rome in the mid-16th century, where he worked under Girolamo Vignola and Taddeo Zuccari. Upon returning to Bologna, he accumulated a large studio, and influenced many Bolognese who would later play a role in the rise of the Baroque. Annibale Carracci (whose brother Agostino studied with Passarotti) was influenced by Passarotti's genre scenes in a select set of paintings (such as The Beaneater and The Butcher's Shop, the latter being originally attributed to Passarotti). Lucio Massari and Francesco Brizzi were among his pupils. Four of Passarotti's sons, including Ventura, Aurelio, Tiburzio, and Passarotto were painters.
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