Carlo Maratta

Italian Baroque Era Painter, 1625-1713
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Carlo Maratta oil paintings
Adoration of the Magi
Carlo Maratta
Item ID:44629
Adoration of the Shepherds
Carlo Maratta
Item ID:44630
Apollo Chasing Daphne
Carlo Maratta
Item ID:44631
Assumption and the Doctors of the Church
Carlo Maratta
Item ID:44632
Portrait of Pope Clement IX
Carlo Maratta
Item ID:44634
Rebecca and Eliezer at the Well
Carlo Maratta
Item ID:44635
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Carlo Maratta or Maratti (13 May 1625 - 15 December 1713) was an Italian painter, active mostly in Rome, and known principally for his classicizing paintings executed in a Late Baroque Classical manner. Although he is part of the classical tradition stemming from Raphael, he was not exempt from the influence of Baroque painting and particularly in his use of colour. His contemporary and friend, Giovanni Bellori, wrote an early biography on Maratta.
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