Edward Henry Potthast
American, 1857-1927
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Edward Henry Potthast oil paintings
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A painter remembered most for his beach scenes of carefree atmosphere, Edward Potthast was one of the significant 19th-century American artists from Cincinnati, which at the time of his birth was a burgeoning art center. It was also a place of refuge for German immigrants including the Potthast family.
He first studied at the McMicken School of Design and at the Cincinnati Academy, and then went to Europe briefly before becoming established in his native city as a lithographer and illustrator.
In 1892, he moved to New York City where he won the Clarke Prize at the National Academy and many other honors. In 1910, he was part of a Santa Fe Railroad sponsored trip to the Grand Canyon that included Thomas Moran. The group spent ten days painting on the South Rim of the Canyon, and this experience was so stimulating to him that he returned to the West several times, developing a tonalist style of painting night scenes.
His studio was primarily in New York City, but in 1912, he spent extensive time in Europe where he enrolled in Academies in Munich, Antwerp and Paris. He divided his time between illustrations for "Harper's" and "Scribner's" magazines but later gave up illustration for full time fine art. He was an exceedingly private person who died at his easel.
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Complete list of Edward Henry Potthast's oil paintings
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- Piazzetta, Giovanni Battista Italian, Approx. 1682-1754
- Pietro, Sano di Italy, 1406 - 1481
- Piombo, Sebastiano del Italy, 1485 - 1547
- Pissarro, Camille France, 1830 - 1903
- Pontormo, Jacopo da Italy, 1494-1557
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- Rivera, Diego Mexican, 1886-1957
- Rose, Guy American, 1867-1925
- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel England, 1828 - 1882
- Rubens, Peter Paul Netherlands, 1577 - 1640
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