Ferdinand Bol
Dutch painter, 1616-1680
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Ferdinand Bol oil paintings
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Ferdinand Bol (June 24, 1616 - August 24, 1680) was a Dutch artist, etcher, and draftsman. Although his surviving work is rare, it displays Rembrandt's influence; like his master, Bol favored historical subjects, portraits, numerous self-portraits, and single figures in exotic finery.
The street Ferdinand Bolstraat in Amsterdam was named after Bol.
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Complete list of Ferdinand Bol's oil paintings
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- Fabbi, Fabio Italian Painter, 1861-1946
- Fabritius, Carel Dutch painter , 1622-1654
- Falero, Luis Ricardo Spanish, 1851-1896
- Farney, Henry American, 1847-1916
- Fausto Olivares -Unknown
- Federico Andreotti Italian, 1847-1930
- Felix Ivo Leicher Austrian, 1727-1812
- Felix Schlesinger German, 1833-1910
- Felix Vallotton Swiss painter, 1865-1925
Next 10 Artists
- Ferdinand Heilbuth French Academic Painter, 1826-1889
- Ferdinand Keller German Painter, 1842-1922
- Ferdinand Loyen Du Puigaudeau French, 1864-1930
- Ferdinand Roybet French Painter, 1840-1920
- Fernand Marie Eugene Legout-Gerard French, 1856-1924
- Fernand Toussaint Belgian, 1873-1955
- Ferneley, John English Painter, 1782-1860
- Fetti, Domenico Italian Baroque painter, 1589-1623
- Feuerbach, Anselm German Neoclassical Painter, 1829-1880
- Fildes, Samuel Luke English Painter, 1843-1927
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