Fernando Gallego
Spanish painter, 1440-1507
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Fernando Gallego oil paintings
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Fernando Gallego (c. 1440 - 1507) was a Spanish painter, brought up in an age of gothic style, his art is generally regarded as Hispano-Flemish style. It's thought that he was born in Salamanca, Spain, and his first known works were in the cathedrals of Plasencia and Coria, in Cáceres (Spain).
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Complete list of Fernando Gallego's oil paintings
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- Frederick William Hulme British, 1816-1884
- Frederik Marianus Kruseman Dutch painter, 1817-1882
- Frere, Charles Theodore French Painter, 1814-1888
- Friedrich Gauermann 1807-1862
- Friedrich Otto Gebler German, 1838-1917
- Johann Friedrich Overbeck German painter, 1789-1869
- Fyt, Jan Flemish Baroque animal painter, 1611-1661
- Gabriel Cornelius Ritter von Max Czech/German, 1840-1915
- Gaetano Bellei Italian Academic Painter, 1857-1922
Next 10 Artists
- Gaspard de Crayer Flemish painter, 1582-1669
- Gaspard Dughet French painter, 1613-1675
- Gaston de Latouche French Academic Classical painter, 1854-1913
- Geertgen tot Sint Jans Dutch painter, 1465-1495
- Gelder, Aert de Dutch Baroque Era Painter, 1645-1727
- Gentileschi, Artemisia Italian Early Baroque painter, 1593-1656
- Gentileschi, Orazio Italian Baroque painter, 1563-1639
- Geoffroy, Henry Jules Jean French, 1853-1924
- Georg Friedrich Kersting German painter, 1785-1847
- George Caleb Bingham American painter, 1811-1879
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