Firmin Baes
Belgians, 1874-1943
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Firmin Baes oil paintings
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Firmin Baes (born 18 April 1874 in Saint-Josse-ten-Noode, Belgium - died 4 December 1943 in Brussels, Belgium) was a Belgian painter.
Baes was the son of Henri Baes, a lecturer at the Academie Royale des Beaux-Arts, and Heloise Boly. He had two sisters, Alice and Irma. Baes was brought up in an artistically inclined family. He studied at the Academie Royale and was involved in an intellectual circle known as La Patte de Dindon, named after a cafe of the same name in the Grand Place, Brussels.
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Complete list of Firmin Baes's oil paintings
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