Hans Makart

Austrian Academic Painter, 1840-1884
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Hans Makart oil paintings
adele grafin waldstein wartenberg
Hans Makart
Item ID:39939
alegorie auf die lebenslust
Hans Makart
Item ID:39940
amalie makart am klavier
Hans Makart
Item ID:39941
anna von waldberg
Hans Makart
Item ID:39942
bildnis clothilde beer
Hans Makart
Item ID:39943
dame am spinett
Hans Makart
Item ID:39944
dame mit federhut in ruckenansicht
Hans Makart
Item ID:39945
das schlafende schneewittchen
Hans Makart
Item ID:39946
der einzug karls v in antwerpen
Hans Makart
Item ID:39947
der gartenbau
Hans Makart
Item ID:39948
der triumph der ariadne
Hans Makart
Item ID:39950
die ernte
Hans Makart
Item ID:39951
die falknerin
Hans Makart
Item ID:39952
die funf sinne gefuhl
Hans Makart
Item ID:39953
die funf sinne gehor
Hans Makart
Item ID:39954
die funf sinne geruch
Hans Makart
Item ID:39955
die funf sinne geschmack
Hans Makart
Item ID:39956
die funf sinne gesicht
Hans Makart
Item ID:39957
die jagd der diana
Hans Makart
Item ID:39958
die niljagd der kleopatra
Hans Makart
Item ID:39959
die valkyrie
Hans Makart
Item ID:39960
dora fournier gabillon
Hans Makart
Item ID:39961
faun und nymph pan und flora
Hans Makart
Item ID:39962
grosses blumenstuck
Hans Makart
Item ID:39963
hanna klinkosch
Hans Makart
Item ID:39964
karoline gomperz
Hans Makart
Item ID:39965
Hans Makart
Item ID:39966
kronprinzessin stephanie
Hans Makart
Item ID:39967
Hans Makart
Item ID:39968
Hans Makart
Item ID:39969
portrait of a lady
Hans Makart
Item ID:39971
sarah bernhardt
Hans Makart
Item ID:39973
schneewittchen erhalt den giftkamm
Hans Makart
Item ID:39974
Hans Makart
Item ID:39975
stilleben mit rosen
Hans Makart
Item ID:39976
The Dream After the Ball
Hans Makart
Item ID:39977
zerline gabillon
Hans Makart
Item ID:39978
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Hans Makart (May 28, 1840 - October 3, 1884) was a 19th century Austrian academic history painter, designer, and decorator; most well known for his influence on Gustav Klimt and other Austrian artists, but in his own era considered an important artist himself and was a celebrity figure in the high culture of Vienna, attended with almost cult-liked adulation. Makart was the son of a chamberlain at the Mirabell Palace, born in the former residence of the prince-archbishops of Salzburg. Initially, he received his training in painting at the Vienna Academy between 1850 and 1851 from Johann Fischbach. While in the Academy, German art was under the rule of a classicism, which was entirely intellectual and academic-clear and precise drawing, sculpturesque modelling, and pictorial erudition were esteemed above all. Makart, who was a poor draughtsman, but who had a passionate and sensual love of color, was impatient to escape the routine of art school drawing. For his fortune, he was found by his instructors to be devoid of all talent and forced to leave the Vienna Academy. He went to Munich, and after two years of independent study attracted the attention of Karl Theodor von Piloty, under whose guidance, between 1861 and 1865 he developed his painting style. During these years, Makart also travelled to London, Paris and Rome to further his studies. The first picture he painted under Piloty, Lavoisier in Prison, though it was considered timid and conventional, attracted attention by its sense of color.
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