Harry Herman Roseland
American, 1866-1950
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Harry Herman Roseland oil paintings
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Harry Herman Roseland (c.1867-1950) was one of the most notable painters of the genre painting school around the turn of the 20th century. An American, Roseland was primarily known for paintings centered on poor African-Americans.
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Complete list of Harry Herman Roseland's oil paintings
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- Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys English Pre-Raphaelite Painter, 1829-1904
- Saraceni, Carlo Italian early-Baroque painter, 1579-1620
- Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato Italian Baroque painter, 1609-1685
- Schedoni, Bartolomeo Italian, 1578-1615
- Scheffer, Ary Dutch-born French Academic Painter, 1795-1858
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