Herbert James Draper

English painter, 1863-1920
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Herbert James Draper oil paintings
Day and the Dawnstar
Herbert James Draper
Item ID:40377
Flying Fish
Herbert James Draper
Item ID:40378
Herbert James Draper
Item ID:40379
Lancelot and Guinevere
Herbert James Draper
Item ID:40380
Mourning for Icarus
Herbert James Draper
Item ID:40381
Portrait Of Miss Barbara De Selincourt
Herbert James Draper
Item ID:40382
Pot Pourri
Herbert James Draper
Item ID:40383
The Golden Flecce
Herbert James Draper
Item ID:40385
The Pearls of Aphrodite
Herbert James Draper
Item ID:40386
The Water Nymph
Herbert James Draper
Item ID:40387
Ulysses and the Sirens
Herbert James Draper
Item ID:40388
Herbert James Draper
Item ID:40389
Wrath of the Sea God dt3
Herbert James Draper
Item ID:40390
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Herbert James Draper (1863-1920) was an English painter in the Victorian era. He studied art at the Royal Academy in London and undertook several educational trips to Rome and Paris between 1888 and 1892. In the 1890s he worked also as an illustrator. 1891 he married his wife Ida, with whom he had a daughter. 1894 was the beginning of Draper's most productive period. He focused mainly on mythological themes from ancient Greece. His painting "The Lament For Icarus" from 1898 won the gold medal at the Exposition Universelle in Paris in 1900. Though Draper was neither a member nor an associate of the Royal Academy he took part in the annual expositions from 1897 on. During his lifetime Draper was quite famous and a well known portrait painter. In his last years his popularity faded and nowadays he is almost forgotten.
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