Jan Weenix
Dutch Baroque Era Painter, 1642 - 1719
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Jan Weenix oil paintings
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Jan Weenix was a Dutch painter. He was trained by his father, Jan Baptist Weenix, together with his cousin Melchior d'Hondecoeter. Like his father, he devoted himself to a variety of subjects, but his fame is chiefly due to his paintings of dead game and of hunting scenes. Many pictures in this genre formerly ascribed to the elder Weenix are now generally considered to be the works of the son.
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Complete list of Jan Weenix's oil paintings
Previous 10 Artists
- Waldmuller, Ferdinand Georg Austrian Romantic Painter, 1793 - 1865
- Walter Howell Deverell British Painter, 1827 - 1854
- Walter Langley British, 1852 - 1922
- Walter Launt Palmer American Painter, 1854 - 1932
- Walter Ufer American Painter, 1876 - 1936
- Walter Dendy Sadler British, 1854 - 1923
- Washington, Georges French, 1827 - 1910
- Watts, George Frederick English Painter and Sculptor, 1817 - 1904
- Watts, Frederick Waters British, 1800 - 1862
- Webb, James British, 1825 - 1895
Next 10 Artists
- Weir, Julian Alden American Tonalist, Impressionist Painter, 1852 - 1919
- Weisse, Rudolphe Austrian orientalist painter, 1875 - 1942
- Weissenbruch, Jan Hendrik Dutch, 1824 - 1903
- Wells, John Sanderson British, 1872 - 1955
- Wenzell, Albert Beck American, 1864 - 1917
- Werff, Adriaen van der Kralingen, 1659 - 1722
- West, Benjamin American , 1738 - 1820
- Weyden, Rogier van der 1399 - 1464
- Wheelwright, RBA 1870 - 1955
- Whistler, James Abbottb McNeill American-born British-based, 1834 - 1903
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