Ambassadors Sent by Agamemnon to Urge Achilles to Fight
Amedee-David, Comte de Pastoret
Baronne James de Rothschild
Bather of Valpincon
Bonaparte as First Consul
Count Nikolai Dmitrievich Gouriev
Count Nikolai Dmitrievich Gouriev II
Francois-Marius Granet
Grande Odalisque
Half-figure of a Bather
Ingres the virgin of the host
Jacques-Louis Leblanc
Jeanne d'Arc au sacre du roi Charles VII
Joan of Arc on Corronation of Charles VII in the Cathedral of Reim
Joan of Arc on Corronation of Charles VII in the Cathedral of Reims
Jupiter and Antiope
Jupiter and Thetis
La Source
Lorenzo Bartolini
Madame Aymon, known as La Belle Zelie
Madame Clement Boulanger
Madame de Senonnes
Madame de Senonnes II
Madame de Senonnes III
Madame Duvaucey
Madame Henri Gonse
Madame Jacques-Louis Leblanc
Madame Marie Marcotte
Madame Paul-Sigisbert Moitessier
Madame Paul-Sigisbert Moitessier II
Madame Philibert Riviere
Madame Philibert Riviere II
Mademoiselle Caroline Riviere
Male Torso
Monsieur Riviere
Napoleon I on His Imperial Throne
Odalisque with Slave
Odalisque with Slave details
Odysseus. Study for the Triumph of Homer
Pere Desmarets
Portrait of Charles-Joseph-Laurent Cordier
Portrait of Mademoiselle Riviere
Princesse Albert de Broglie
Raphael and Fornarina
Raphael and the Fornarina
Roger Delivering Angelica
Roger Delivering Angelica II
Roger Delivering Angelica III
Romulus' Victory over Acron
The Apotheosis of Homer
The Dream of Ossian
The Grande Odalisque
The Small Bather
The Turkish Bath
The Virgin of the Host
Venus Anadyomene
Venus at Paphos
Venus at Paphos II
Vicomtess Othenin d'Haussonville, nee Louise-Albertine de Br
Vicomtess Othenin d'Haussonville, nee Louise-Albertine de Br II
Vicomtesse Othenin d'Haussonville detail