John Quincy Adams
Austria, 1874-1933
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John Quincy Adams oil paintings
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John Quincy Adams (1874-1933) was an Austrian painter.
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Complete list of John Quincy Adams's oil paintings
Previous 10 Artists
- Abel-Truchet, Louis France, 1857-1918
- Absolon, John England, 1815-1895
- Achen, Georg Nicolaj Denmark, 1860-1912
- Achenbach, Andreas Germany, 1815-1910
- Achenbach, Oswald Germany, 1827-1905
- Acke, Johan Axel Gustaf Swedish painter, 1859-1924
- Adam, Albrecht Germany, 1786-1862
- Adam, Benno German painter, 1812-1892
- Adam, Julius Germany, 1826-1874
- Adams, John Ottis United States, 1851-1927
Next 10 Artists
- Adams, Kenneth M United States, 1897-1966
- Adan, Louis Emile France, 1839-1937
- Adler, Edmund Austria, 1876-1965
- Adriaenssen, Alexander Belgium, 1587-1661
- Alma-Tadema, Sir Lawrence English, 1836-1912
- Angelico, Fra Italian, 1387-1455
- Arcimboldo, Giuseppe Italian, approx 1526-1593
- Bellini, Giovanni Italian Renaissance painter, c.1430-1516
- Bierstadt, Albert American, 1830-1902
- Blake, William English, 1757-1827
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