Le Nain Brothers
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Le Nain Brothers oil paintings
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Antoine: approx. 1588, Laon, Fr. died May 25, 1648, Paris
Louis: approx. 1593, Laon died May 23, 1648,
Mathieu: Paris; b. 1607, April 20, 1677, Paris
Three brothers whose paintings of peasant life have a realism unique in 17th-century French art. By 1630 they had established a common workshop in Paris. They remained unmarried and are traditionally said to have worked in harmony, often collaborating on the same picture. In 1648 all were received into the newly founded French Academy. Evaluation of the three personalities early in the 20th century was therefore based on what was traditionally known of each brother and on the dubious establishment of three stylistic groups. Art scholars today no longer try to attribute individual works, and the three brothers are treatedas a single artist. Their portraits of peasants and beggars remain their most important works. Their domestic scenes of peasant life depict humble people with human dignity, with a classical composure that is characteristically French. Mathieu became an official painter to the city of Paris (1633) and was made a chevalier. He excelled in large compositions and in portraiture. His career was prosperous, and, from the large number of portraits and religious works produced in his studio, he must have had several assistants.
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Complete list of Le Nain Brothers's oil paintings
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- Noyes, George Loftus American, 1864-1951
- O Keeffe, Georgia American artist
- Panini, Giovanni Paolo Italy, 1691 - 1765
- Paolo, Giovanni di Italy, 1403 - 1482
- Parrish, Maxfield United States
- Peale, Charles Willson 1741-1827
- Perugino, Pietro Italy, 1445 - 1523
- Piazzetta, Giovanni Battista Italian, Approx. 1682-1754
- Pietro, Sano di Italy, 1406 - 1481
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