Luis Alvarez Catala
Spain, 1836 - 1901
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Luis Alvarez Catala oil paintings
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1Complete list of Luis Alvarez Catala's oil paintings
Previous 10 Artists
- Courbet, Gustave France, 1819 - 1877
- David, Jacques-Louis France, 1748 - 1825
- Delacroix, Eugene France, 1798 - 1863
- Durand, Asher Brown United States, 1796 - 1886
- Alma-Tadema, Lady Laura Teresa 1852 - 1909
- Alott, Robert Austria, 1859 - 1910
- Alsina, Jose 1850 -
- Alston, Abbey 1864 - 1949
- Alt, Rudolf Ritter von Austria, 1812 - 1905
- Altmann, Alexander Russia, 1885 -
Next 10 Artists
- Aman-Jean, Edmond Francois France, 1860 - 1935
- Amaury-Duval, Eugene-Emmanuel France, 1808 - 1885
- Amberger, Christoph Germany, 1505 - 1562
- Ambros, Raphael von Austria, 1854 - 1895
- Amerling, Friedrich von Austria, 1803 - 1887
- Ames, Ezra United States, 1768 - 1836
- Amiconi, Bernardo 1859 - 1875
- Amigoni, Jacopo Italy, 1682 - 1752
- Amyot, Catherine -Unknown
- Ancher, Michael Peter Denmark, 1849 - 1927
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