Pieter Van Laer
Dutch painter, 1592-1642
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Pieter Van Laer oil paintings
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Pieter van Laer (or Pieter Bodding van Laer) (Christened 14 December 1592 - c. 1642) was a Dutch Golden Age painter of genre scenes, active for over a decade in Rome, where his nickname was Il Bamboccio. Artists working in his style became known as the Bamboccianti.
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Complete list of Pieter Van Laer's oil paintings
Previous 10 Artists
- Pierre Carrier-Belleuse French, 1851-1932
- Pierre Oliver Joseph Coomans Belgian, 1816 - 1889
- Pierre Paul Puget French Baroque Era Sculptor and Painter, 1620-1694
- Pierre-Narcisse Guerin French Neoclassical Painter, 1774-1833
- Pieter de Hooch Dutch Baroque Era Painter, 1629-1684
- Pieter Christian Dommerson Dutch, 1834-1908
- Pieter Codde Dutch painter, 1599 - 1678
- Pieter Gerard Vertin Dutch, 1819-1893
- Pierre Bonnard French painter and printmaker, 1867-1947
- Pierre-Cecile Puvis de Chavannes French painter, 1824-1898
Next 10 Artists
- Pietro Annigoni Italian painter, 1910-1988
- Piola, Domenico Genoese painter, 1627-1703
- Piot, Etienne Adolphe French 1850-1910
- Pisanello Italian painter, 1395-1455
- Pittoni, Giambattista Italian painter, 1687-1767
- Pollaiolo, Antonio del Italian painter, 1433-1498
- Pot, Hendrick Gerritsz Dutch painter, 1580-1657
- Pothast, Bernard Dutch Painter, 1882-1966
- Pourbus, Frans the Younger Flemish Baroque Era Painter, 1569-1622
- Pratella, Attilio Italian, 1856-1949
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