Religion Oil Paintings

Total:994, Page 21 of 25
Lorenzo Lotto : Penitent St Jerome
Subject: Religion ID:43573
Lorenzo Lotto : Penitent St Jerome II
Subject: Religion ID:43574
Lorenzo Lotto : Pieta
Subject: Religion ID:43575
Lorenzo Lotto : Portrait of Andrea Odoni
Subject: Religion ID:43580
Lorenzo Lotto : Presentation on the Temple
Subject: Religion ID:43583
Lorenzo Lotto : St Lucy before the Judge
Subject: Religion ID:43584
Lorenzo Lotto : The Alms of St Anthony
Subject: Religion ID:43587
Lorenzo Lotto : The Martyrdom of St Stephen
Subject: Religion ID:43588
Lorenzo Lotto : Transfiguration
Subject: Religion ID:43589
Lorenzo Lotto : Vestiture of St Bridget
Subject: Religion ID:43591
Lorenzo Lotto : Virgin Annunciated
Subject: Religion ID:43592
Berthe Morisot : Calvary
Subject: Religion ID:45226
Hans Multscher : Christ before Pilate
Subject: Religion ID:45405
Hans Multscher : Christ Carrying the Cross
Subject: Religion ID:45406
Hans Multscher : Pentecost
Subject: Religion ID:45407
Hans Multscher : Prayer on the Mount of Olives
Subject: Religion ID:45408
Hans Multscher : Resurrection
Subject: Religion ID:45409
Hans Multscher : The Adoration of the Magi
Subject: Religion ID:45410
Hans Multscher : The Birth of Christ
Subject: Religion ID:45411
Hans Multscher : The Death of the Virgin
Subject: Religion ID:45412
Bartolome Esteban Murillo : Annunciation
Subject: Religion ID:45415
Bartolome Esteban Murillo : Flight into Egypt
Subject: Religion ID:45418
Bartolome Esteban Murillo : St Rose of Lima
Subject: Religion ID:45430
Bartolome Esteban Murillo : The Holy Family II
Subject: Religion ID:45432
Bernaert Van Orley : Haneton Triptych, centre
Subject: Religion ID:45609
Total:994, Page 21 of 25