Theodule-Augustin Ribot
French, 1823-1891
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Theodule-Augustin Ribot oil paintings
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Theodule Ribot (August 8, 1823 - September 11, 1891) was a French realist painter. He was born in Saint-Nicolas-d'Attez, and studied at the Ecole des Arts et Metiers de Chalons before moving to Paris in 1845. There he found work decorating gilded frames for a mirror manufacturer; he also studied in the studio of Auguste-Barthelemy Glaize. After a trip to Algeria around 1848, he returned in 1851 to Paris, where he continued to make his living as an artisan. In the late 1850s, working at night by lamplight, he began to paint seriously, depicting everyday subjects in a realistic style.
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Complete list of Theodule-Augustin Ribot's oil paintings
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- Roelofs, Willem Dutch painter, 1822-1897
- Roesen, Severin German-born American still-life painter, 1815-1872
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