Thomas Worthington Whittredge

American Hudson River School Painter, 1820 - 1910
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Thomas Worthington Whittredge oil paintings
Autumn on the Deleware
Thomas Worthington Whittredge
Item ID:31324
Autumn on the Hudson
Thomas Worthington Whittredge
Item ID:31325
Farm by the Shore
Thomas Worthington Whittredge
Item ID:31326
Freshwater Pond in Summer-Rhode Island
Thomas Worthington Whittredge
Item ID:31327
Gathering the Buckwheat
Thomas Worthington Whittredge
Item ID:31328
Hunter in the Woods of Ashokan
Thomas Worthington Whittredge
Item ID:31329
Indian Emcampment on the Platte River
Thomas Worthington Whittredge
Item ID:31330
Indian Reservation
Thomas Worthington Whittredge
Item ID:31331
June Paradise Valley
Thomas Worthington Whittredge
Item ID:31332
Landscape in the Catskills
Thomas Worthington Whittredge
Item ID:31333
Landscape with River
Thomas Worthington Whittredge
Item ID:31334
Thomas Worthington Whittredge
Item ID:31335
Thomas Worthington Whittredge
Item ID:31336
Second Beach, Newport
Thomas Worthington Whittredge
Item ID:31337
The Amphitheatre of Tusculum and Albano Mountains, Rome
Thomas Worthington Whittredge
Item ID:31338
The Platte River
Thomas Worthington Whittredge
Item ID:31339
Woodland Interior
Thomas Worthington Whittredge
Item ID:31340
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Artist photo
Thomas Worthington Whittredge (May 22, 1820 - February 25, 1910) was an American artist of the Hudson River School. Whittredge was a highly regarded artist of his time, and was friends with several leading Hudson River School artists including Albert Bierstadt and Sanford Robinson Gifford. He traveled widely and excelled at landscape painting, many examples of which are now in major museums. He served as president of the National Academy of Design from 1874 to 1875 and was a member of the selection committees for the 1876 Philadelphia Centennial Exposition and the 1878 Paris Exposition, both important venues for artists of the day. Whittredge was born in a log cabin near Springfield, Ohio in 1820. He painted landscapes and portraits as a young man in Cincinnati before traveling to Europe in 1849 to further his artistic training. Arriving in Germany he settled at the Dusseldorf Academy, a major art school of the period, and studied with Emanuel Leutze. At Dusseldorf, Whittredge befriended Bierstadt and posed for Leutze as both George Washington and a steersman in Leutze’s famous painting “Washington Crossing the Delaware”, now in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. Whittredge spent nearly ten years in Europe, meeting and travelling with other important artists including Sanford Gifford. He returned to the United States in 1859 and settled in New York City where he launched his career as a landscape artist painting in the Hudson River School style.
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