A Passing Storm II
by James Tissot
Au Louvre
Boarding the Yacht
TA Dandy
The Concert
Admiring Her Jewels
by Jan Frederik Pieter Portielje
A Frozen River Landscape
by Jan Jacob Coenraad Spohler
Mytens Jan Venus and Adonis
by Jan Mytens
Mount Etna From Taormina
by Arthur Hacker
Pelagia And The Philammon
The Cloud
Returning From The Hayfield
The Parasol
A Bacchante
And there was a great cry in Egypt
A Voice from the Cliffs
by Winslow Homer
An October Day II
Apple Picking
Bermuda Settlers
Boy on the Rocks
Boy with Anchor
Daughter of the Coast Guard II
Deer in the Adirondacks
Eagle Head, Manchester, Massachusetts
Early Evening
End of the Portage
Girl Watering Plants
Hark, The Lark
Homosassa Jungle
In Charge of Baby II
Live Oaks
On the Cliff II
On the Hill II
On the Stile
Rowing Home
Rum Cay II
Sailing the Catboar
Shepherdess Tending Sheep II