Abraham Van Beyeren

Dutch Baroque era painter, 1620-1690
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Abraham Van Beyeren oil paintings
Banquet Still-Life with a Mouse
Abraham Van Beyeren
Item ID:50516
Banquet Still-Life
Abraham Van Beyeren
Item ID:50517
Large Still-life with Lobster
Abraham Van Beyeren
Item ID:50518
Rough Sea
Abraham Van Beyeren
Item ID:50519
Stilleben mit Fischen
Abraham Van Beyeren
Item ID:50520
Still-life with Fishes
Abraham Van Beyeren
Item ID:50521
Abraham Van Beyeren
Item ID:50522
The Breakfast
Abraham Van Beyeren
Item ID:50523
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Abraham Hendriksz van Beijeren [Abraham van Beyeren](ca. 1620 - March 1690) was a Dutch Baroque era painter. He was little regarded in his day but is now considered one of the greatest of still-life painters. Van Beijeren (alternatively spelled "Beyeren") lived in a succession of Dutch towns. Born in The Hague, the artist also lived in Delft, Amsterdam, Alkmaar and Gouda. In 1678 he settled in Rotterdam, where he died in 1690.
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