Bernard De Hoog
Dutch, 1866-1943
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Bernard De Hoog oil paintings
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Bernard de Hoog oil painting reproductions.
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Complete list of Bernard De Hoog's oil paintings
Previous 10 Artists
- Barber, Charles Burton English painter, 1845-1894
- Bargue, Charles French artist, 1826-1883
- Baron Jan August Hendrik Leys Belgian painter and printmaker, 1815-1869
- Bartholomaeus Spranger Flemish, 1546-1611
- Bartholomeus Johannes Van Hove Dutch, 1790-1880
- Bartolomeo Veneto Italian painter, 1502-1546
- Bauernfiend, Gustav German Painter, 1848-1904
- Benito Rebolledo Correa Chilean, 1880-1964
- Benjamin Jean Joseph Constant French painter, 1845-1902
- Bennett, Frank Moss British, 1874-1953
Next 10 Artists
- Bernardino Luini Italian painter, 1480-1532
- Bernini, Gian Lorenzo Italian artist, 1598-1680
- Besnard, Paul Albert French painter, 1849-1934
- Beuckelaer, Joachim Flemish painter, 1533-1574
- Beyeren, Abraham van Dutch Baroque era painter, 1620-1690
- Bigot, Trophime French painter, 1579-1650
- Bilinska-Bohdanowicz, Anna Polish painter, 1857-1893
- Blanchard, Jacques French baroque painter, 1600-1638
- Blinks, Thomas British, 1860-1912
- Boel, Pieter Flemish Baroque painter, 1626-1674
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We can do all styles and subjects: People, Landscape, Still life, Portrait, Impressionism, Abstract, classical paintings, Seascapes, Cityscapes, romantic sceneries, flowers, fruits, winebottle, animals, horse, monkey, tiger, dog, chicken, and modern oil paintings, religious paintings, art deco, POP art, oil painting with figures and nudes, contemporary artworks, realistic paintings by photo. Choose best material for all oil paintings, Attractive image and vivid color, assured quality.