Bartholomaeus Spranger

Flemish, 1546-1611
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Bartholomaeus Spranger oil paintings
Hermes And Athena
Bartholomaeus Spranger
Item ID:50283
Venus And Adonis
Bartholomaeus Spranger
Item ID:50284
Vulcan And Maia
Bartholomaeus Spranger
Item ID:50285
Angelika und Medor
Bartholomaeus Spranger
Item ID:50286
Mars op het slagveld
Bartholomaeus Spranger
Item ID:50287
Salmacis and Hermaphroditus
Bartholomaeus Spranger
Item ID:50288
Bartholomaeus Spranger
Item ID:50289
Bartholomaeus Spranger
Item ID:50290
Venus and Adonis II
Bartholomaeus Spranger
Item ID:50291
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Bartholomeus Spranger or Bartholomaeus Spranger (21 March 1546 - August 1611) was a Flemish Northern Mannerist painter, draughtsman, and etcher. He was born in Antwerp. He is mentioned in Karel van Mander's Schilderboeck. In 1565, after completing his training with Cornelis van Dalem, Jan Mandijn, and Frans Mostaert, he traveled to Paris and Italy. He worked on wall paintings in various churches. At Rome, he became, like El Greco, a protege of Giulio Clovio. Pope Pius V appointed him court painter in 1570. He was summoned to Vienna by Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor, who died soon after his arrival in 1576. But his successor Rudolf II was even more keen to employ him, and in 1581 he was appointed court painter, the court being by then having moved its seat to Prague, where he stayed until his death there in 1611, shortly before Rudolf was deposed. Rudolf arranged a wealthy marriage for him, and his house was a centre for artists in Prague.
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