Sisto Badalocchio

Italian painter, 1585-1647
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Sisto Badalocchio oil paintings
Susanna and the Elders
Sisto Badalocchio
Item ID:50214
The Entombment of Christ
Sisto Badalocchio
Item ID:50215
The Holy Family
Sisto Badalocchio
Item ID:50216
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Sisto Badalocchio Rosa (28th June, 1585 - c. 1647) was an Italian painter and engraver of the Bolognese School. Born in Parma, he worked first under Agostino Carracci in Bologna, then Annibale Carracci, in Rome. He worked with Annibale till 1609, then moving back to Parma. His best known work as an engraver was the Raphael's Bible series, which he created together with his fellow student, Giovanni Lanfranco. The images depict a series of frescoes by Raphael's workshop in the Vatican loggia. As a painter, his most important work is the frescoes the church of San Giovanni Evangelista, Reggio Emilia, which are based on Caravaggio's earliers works. He executed the decoration of the cupula and pendentives of the church of San Giovanni Evangelista in Reggio.
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