Balthasar Van Der Ast
Dutch Golden Age painter, approx. 1593-1657
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Balthasar Van Der Ast oil paintings
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Balthasar van der Ast (1593/94 - 7 March 1657) was a Dutch Golden Age painter who specialized in still lifes of flowers and fruit, as well as painting a number of remarkable shell still lifes, he is considered to be a pioneer in the genre of shell painting. His still lifes often contain insects and lizards. He was born in Middelburg and died at Delft.
His lifetime of works was once summarized by an Amsterdam doctor who said, "In flowers, shells and lizards, beautiful".
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Complete list of Balthasar Van Der Ast's oil paintings
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- Arpo, Guariento di Italian, 1310-1370
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- Aved, Jacques-Andre-Joseph French, 1702-1766
- Avercamp, Hendrick Dutch, 1585-1634
- Baburen, Dirck van Dutch, 1595-1624
- Baciccio Giovanni Battista Gaulli, Italian, 1639-1709
- Backhuysen, Ludolf Dutch, 1631-1708
- Bacon, Henry American painter, 1839-1912
- Baglione, Giovanni Italian Late Mannerist and Early Baroque painter, 1566-1643
- Bailly, David Dutch, 1584-1657
- Baldovinetti, Alessio Italian, 1425-1499
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