Dirck Van Baburen

Dutch, 1595-1624
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Dirck Van Baburen oil paintings
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Dirck Van Baburen
Item ID:21672
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Dirck Van Baburen
Item ID:21673
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Dirck Jaspersz van Baburen (c. 1595 - 21 February 1624) was a Dutch painter associated with the Utrecht Caravaggisti.

Dirck van Baburen was probably born in Wijk bij Duurstede, but his family moved to Utrecht when he was still young. He was also known as Teodoer van Baburen and Theodor Baburen. The earliest reference to the artist is in the 1611 records of Utrecht's Guild of St. Luke as a pupil of Paulus Moreelse. Sometime between 1612 and 1615 he travelled to Rome. There, he collaborated with fellow countryman David de Haen and befriended the close follower of Caravaggio, Bartolomeo Manfredi. Baburen also came to the attention of the art collectors and patrons Vincenzo Giustiniani and cardinal Scipione Borghese, and possibly under their influence he received the commission to paint the altarpiece of the Entombment for the chapel of the Pietà in San Pietro in Montorio around 1617. Baburen was one of the earliest artists to belong to the group of Dutch-speaking artists active in Rome in the seventeenth-century known as the "Bentvueghels" ("Birds of a Feather"), his nickname was "Biervlieg" ("Beer Fly", or one who drinks a lot).

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