Federico Barocci

Italian Renaissance painter and printmaker, 1526-1612
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Federico Barocci oil paintings
Graphic Francesco II della Rovere
Federico Barocci
Item ID:21685
Graphic The Nativity
Federico Barocci
Item ID:21686
Aeneas Flight from Troy
Federico Barocci
Item ID:50273
Federico Barocci
Item ID:50274
Rest on the Flight to Egypt
Federico Barocci
Item ID:50275
Federico Barocci
Item ID:50276
St Jerome
Federico Barocci
Item ID:50277
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Federico Barocci (c. 1526, Urbino - 1612, Urbino) was an Italian Renaissance painter and printmaker. His original name was Federico Fiori, and he was nicknamed Il Baroccio, which still in northwestern Italian dialects means a two wheel cart drawn by oxen. His work was highly esteemed and influential, and foreshadows the Baroque of Rubens.

He was born at Urbino, Duchy of Urbino, and received his earliest apprenticeship with his father, Ambrogio Barocci, a sculptor of some local eminence. He was then apprenticed with the painter Battista Franco in Urbino. He accompanied his uncle, Bartolomeo Genga to Pesaro, then in 1548 to Rome, where he was worked in the pre-eminent studio of the day, that of the Mannerist painters, Taddeo and Federico Zuccari.

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