Pompeo Batoni
Italian, 1708-1787
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Pompeo Batoni oil paintings
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Pompeo Girolamo Batoni (25 January 1708 - 4 February 1787) was an Italian painter whose style incorporated elements of the French Rococo, Bolognese classicism, and nascent Neoclassicism.
Batoni aimed at overcoming the excesses and frivolities of the Rococo by taking inspiration in classical antiquity and in the work of artists such as Nicolas Poussin, and especially Raphael. As such he was a precursor of Neoclassicism.
He was born in Lucca, the son of a goldsmith, Paolino Batoni. He moved to Rome in 1727, and apprenticed with Agostino Masucci, Sebastiano Conca and/or Francesco Imperiali (1679-1740).
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Complete list of Pompeo Batoni's oil paintings
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- Balen, Hendrick von Dutch, approx. 1575-1632
- Balla, Giacomo Italian, 1871-1958
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- Barocci, Federico Italian Renaissance painter and printmaker, 1526-1612
- Barry, James Irish, 1741-1806
- Baschenis, Evaristo Italian, 1617-1677
- Bassano, Jacopo Italian, approx. 1510-1592
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- Baugin, Lubin French, 1612-1663
- Bayeu, Ramon Spanish Neoclassicist painter, 1746-1793
- Bazille, Frederic French Impressionist painter, 1841-1870
- Beard, William Holbrook American painter, 1825-1900
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- Beaux, Cecilia American society portraitist, 1855-1942
- Beccafumi, Domenico Italian Renaissance-Mannerist painter, 1486-1551
- Beert, Osias Flemish, 1580-1624
- Albotto, Francesco Italy, 1721-1757
- Albright, Adam Emory United States, 1862-1957
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