Frederic Bazille
French Impressionist painter, 1841-1870
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Frederic Bazille oil paintings
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Jean Frederic Bazille (December 6, 1841 - November 28, 1870) was a French Impressionist painter. Many of Bazille's major works are examples of figure painting in which Bazille placed the subject figure within a landscape painted en plein air.
Frederic Bazille was born in Montpellier, Hérault, Languedoc-Roussillon, France, into a wealthy Protestant family. He became interested in painting after seeing some works of Eugène Delacroix. His family agreed to let him study painting, but only if he also studied medicine.
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Complete list of Frederic Bazille's oil paintings
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- Beaux, Cecilia American society portraitist, 1855-1942
- Beccafumi, Domenico Italian Renaissance-Mannerist painter, 1486-1551
- Beert, Osias Flemish, 1580-1624
- Albotto, Francesco Italy, 1721-1757
- Albright, Adam Emory United States, 1862-1957
- Aldine, Marc French, 1870 - 1956
- Alexander, Cosmo Scottish portrait painter, 1724 - 1772
- Alexander, Francis United States, 1800 - 1880
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