William Holbrook Beard

American painter, 1825-1900
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William Holbrook Beard oil paintings
Graphic Self-Portrait in the Studio
William Holbrook Beard
Item ID:21706
Graphic Phantom Crane
William Holbrook Beard
Item ID:21707
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William Holbrook Beard (April 13, 1825 - February 20, 1900) was an American painter.

Beard was born in Painesville, Ohio. He studied abroad, is associated with the Düsseldorf school of painting, and in 1861 moved to New York City, where, in 1862, he became a member of the National Academy of Design. Beard was a prolific artist. His humorous treatment of bears, cats, dogs, horses and monkeys, generally with some human occupation and expression, usually satirical, gave him a great vogue at one time, and his pictures were largely reproduced.

His brother, James Henry Beard (1814-1893), was also a painter.

William is buried in Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, New York.

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