Charles Victor Thirion
French, 1833-1878
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Charles Victor Thirion oil paintings
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Charles Victor Thirion Paintings - Oil Painting Reproductions (French, 1833-1878)
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Complete list of Charles Victor Thirion's oil paintings
Previous 10 Artists
- Stanley Spencer English painter, 1891-1959
- Stephen Reid British Painter, 1873-1948
- Stone Roberts American still-life painter
- Stubbs, George English painter, 1724-1806
- Sully, Thomas English-born American Painter, 1783-1872
- Tarbell, Edmund Charles American Impressionist painter, 1862-1938
- Terrick Williams British painter, 1860-1936
- Thaulow, Frits Norwegian impressionist painter, 1847-1906
- Thayer, Abbott Handerson American artist, 1849-1921
- Theophile Emmanuel Duverger French Academic Painter, 1821-1901
Next 10 Artists
- Thomas Benjamin Kennington English, 1856-1916
- Thomas Hill American artist, 1829-1908
- Thomas Pollock Anschutz American artist, 1851-1912
- Thomas Sidney Cooper English landscape painter, 1803-1902
- Thompson, Elizabeth British painter, 1846-1933
- Thorburn, Archibald Scottish artist and bird illustrator, 1860-1935
- Tito, Ettore Italian artist, 1859-1941
- Topham, Frank William Warwick British, 1838-1924
- Troyon, Constant French painter, 1810-1865
- Umberto Boccioni Italian painter and sculptor, 1882-1916
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