Ettore Tito

Italian artist, 1859-1941
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Ettore Tito oil paintings
Ettore Tito
Item ID:48818
La Chiromante
Ettore Tito
Item ID:48819
La nascita di Venere
Ettore Tito
Item ID:48820
Le Ondine
Ettore Tito
Item ID:48821
The Grand Canal, Venice
Ettore Tito
Item ID:48822
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Ettore Tito (17 December 1859 - 26 June 1941) was an Italian artist particularly known for his paintings of contemporary life and landscapes in Venice and the surrounding region. He trained at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Venice and from 1894 to 1927 was the Professor of Painting there. Tito exhibited widely and was awarded the Grand Prize in painting at the 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition in San Francisco. In 1926 he was made a member of the Royal Academy of Italy. Tito was born in Castellammare di Stabia in the province of Naples and died in Venice, the city which was his home for most of his life.
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