Eduardo Zamacois Y Zabala

Spanish, 1841-1871
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Eduardo Zamacois Y Zabala oil paintings
A Momentary Diversion
Eduardo Zamacois Y Zabala
Item ID:30781
Fisherfolk in a Harbour Town
Eduardo Zamacois Y Zabala
Item ID:30782
Rival Confessors
Eduardo Zamacois Y Zabala
Item ID:30783
Taming The Donkey
Eduardo Zamacois Y Zabala
Item ID:30784
The Education of a Prince
Eduardo Zamacois Y Zabala
Item ID:30785
The Favourite Of The King
Eduardo Zamacois Y Zabala
Item ID:30786
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Eduardo Zamacois y Zabala was a Spanish academic painter who was born in Bilbao, Spain in 1841 or 1842. He moved to Madrid in 1859, where he enrolled in the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. In 1860, he studied in Paris with Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier (1815-1891). Zamacois y Zabala is associated with both classicism and anti-clerical art. He is known to have employed the Swiss painter Edouard Castres (1838-1902) as his assistant. Zamacois y Zabala died in Madrid in 1871 at the age of 29.
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