Ignacio Zuloaga Y Zabaleta

Spanish, 1870-1945
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Ignacio Zuloaga Y Zabaleta oil paintings
A Lady With A Fan
Ignacio Zuloaga Y Zabaleta
Item ID:30787
An Elegant Lady Fanning Herself
Ignacio Zuloaga Y Zabaleta
Item ID:30788
Retrato De Lola Con Vestido De Flores Blancas
Ignacio Zuloaga Y Zabaleta
Item ID:30789
Portrait of a young woman
Ignacio Zuloaga Y Zabaleta
Item ID:30790
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Spanish genre and portrait painter noted for his theatrical paintings of figures from Spanish culture and folklore. The son of a successful metalworker, Zuloaga was a largely self-taught artist who learned to paint by copying Old Masters in the Prado Museum in Madrid. Beginning about 1890, he split his time between Paris and Spain. In Paris he became acquainted with the artists Paul Gauguin, Edgar Degas, and Auguste Rodin. Despite his contact with these prominent French artists, however, his main influences were the Spanish masters El Greco, Diego Velázquez, and Francisco de Goya. Inspired by a visit to the Andalusia region of Spain in 1892, Zuloaga began to focus on subject matter from Spanish culture and folklore, such as bullfighters, peasants, and dancers. He used earthen colours almost exclusively and often placed his figures against dramatic landscapes. Zuloaga began to achieve international success with the painting Daniel Zuloaga and His Daughters, which was exhibited in 1899 and purchased by the French government for the Luxembourg Museum in Paris. About 1907 he became a popular society portraitist, an aspect of his career that brought him considerable wealth. After spending much of his career working in Paris, Zuloaga settled permanently in Spain in 1924. His paintings were exhibited in a highly successful one-man show in New York City in 1925. He was awarded the grand prize for painting at the Venice Biennale in 1938.
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