Jacopo Zucchi

Italian Mannerist Painter, ca.1540-1596
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Jacopo Zucchi oil paintings
Allegory of the Creation
Jacopo Zucchi
Item ID:30933
Portrait of a Lady
Jacopo Zucchi
Item ID:30934
The Coral Fishers
Jacopo Zucchi
Item ID:30935
The Toilet of Bathsheba
Jacopo Zucchi
Item ID:30936
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Jacopo Zucchi (1540-1596) was a Florentine painter of the Mannerist style, active in Florence and Rome. His training began in the studio of Giorgio Vasari, and he participated in decoration of the Studiolo and the Salone dei Cinquecento in the Palazzo Vecchio. Moving to Rome in the early 1570s, he worked for the Cardinal Ferdinando de' Medici in his Palazzo Firenze (1574). He also helped decorate, along with his brother, the apse and dome of Santo Spirito in Sassia with a fresco of the Pentecost. He painted the grand salon of the former Rucellai (now Ruspoli) palace in Rome with mythologic genealogies. Two canvases, representing the Ascension and Resurrection, are housed in the church of San Lorenzo Martire in San Lorenzo Nuovo (Italy).
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