Edward Pritchett
English Painter, active ca.1828-1864
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Edward Pritchett oil paintings
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Edward Pritchett (fl. 1828 - 1864) was a nineteenth-century English painter and man of mystery. Nothing is known of Pritchett's life; he has appropriately been described as "elusive." He may have lived to 1879. Pritchett spent more than three decades living and working in Venice, producing admirable views of the city; he was one of a group of English artists who produced notable records of the scenes of northern Italy, a group that included John Wharlton Bunney, James Holland, the brothers-in-law Luke Fildes and Henry Woods, and, in a later generation, William Logsdail.
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Complete list of Edward Pritchett's oil paintings
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- Edouard Frederic Wilhelm Richter German, 1844-1913
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- Edward Jakob von Steinle Austrian, 1810-1886
- Edward William Cooke English painter and gardener, 1811-1880
- Edwin Harris British, 1855-1906
- Edwin Longsden Long English painter, 1829-1891
- Egisto Lancerotto Italian, 1848-1916
- Emil Rau German, 1858-1937
- Emile Munier French Academic Painter, 1840-1895
- Emile Levy French Academic Painter, 1826-1890
- Emile Friant French painter, 1863-1932
- Emilio Sanchez-Perrier Spanish painter,1855-1907
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