John Emms
English artist, 1844-1912
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John Emms oil paintings
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John Emms born Norfolk in 1844 - died 1 November 1912 in Lyndhurst, Hampshire was an English artist. He was also an avid hunter and became famous for equine and canine paintings (particularly foxhounds and terriers) and exhibited several times at the Royal Academy, beginning in 1866. His paintings are signed 'Jno Emms'.
Emms married Fanny Primmer of Lyndhurst in 1880. The couple lived in London for a time but returned to Lyndhurst in 1881 and built a large house and studio named The Firs, where Emms lived for the rest of his life.
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Complete list of John Emms's oil paintings
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- Edelfelt, Albert Finnish painter, 1854-1905
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- Edouard Frederic Wilhelm Richter German, 1844-1913
- Pierre Edouard Frere French painter, 1819-1886
- Eduardo Leon Garrido Spanish, 1856-1906
- Edward Charles Halle British, 1846-1914
- Edward Cucuel American Impressionist Painter, 1875-1954
- Edward Robert Hughes English Pre-Raphaelite Painter, 1851-1914
- Sir Edward John Poynter British, 1836-1919
- Edward Pritchett English Painter, active ca.1828-1864
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