Edouard Detaille
French Painter, 1848-1912
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Edouard Detaille oil paintings
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Jean Baptiste Édouard Detaille (October 5, 1848 - December 23, 1912), was a French Academic painter and military artist noted for his precision and realistic detail.
Detaille was a student of Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier. He served in the French Army in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871 and became the official painter of the battles. He is famous for his portraits of soldiers and depictions of military manoeuvres, military uniforms and general military life. His book, L'Armée Française, containing hundreds of his illustrations and prints, remains definitive.
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Complete list of Edouard Detaille's oil paintings
Previous 10 Artists
- Daniel Ridgway Knight American, 1839-1924
- David Emile Joseph de Noter Belgian, 1825-1892
- David Roberts Scottish painter, 1796-1864
- David Teniers the Younger Flemish artist, 1610-1690
- Dawson, Montague British Painter, 1895-1973
- Debat-Ponsan, Edouard Bernard French Academic Painter, 1847-1913
- Delobbe, Francois Alfred French, 1835-1920
- Delphin Enjolras French academic painter, 1857-1945
- Delpy, Hippolyte Camille French painter, 1842-1910
- Desgoffe, Blaise Alexandre French Painter, 1830-1901
Next 10 Artists
- Detti, Cesare-Auguste Italian, 1847-1914
- Dicksee, Frank Bernard English Victorian painter, 1853-1928
- Dijck, Floris Claesz van Dutch still life painter, 1575-1651
- Discart, Jean French, 1856-1944
- Eberle, Adolf German, 1843-1914
- Edelfelt, Albert Finnish painter, 1854-1905
- Eeckhout, Gerbrand van den Dutch Golden Age painter, 1621-1674
- Elsley, Arthur John English painter, 1860-1952
- Emms, John English artist, 1844-1912
- Edgar Hunt British, 1870-1955
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