Francois Alfred Delobbe

French, 1835-1920
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Francois Alfred Delobbe oil paintings
A Moment of Reflection
Francois Alfred Delobbe
Item ID:33996
A Young Girl feeding Baby Chicks
Francois Alfred Delobbe
Item ID:33997
Francois Alfred Delobbe
Item ID:33998
The Flower Picker
Francois Alfred Delobbe
Item ID:33999
The Offering
Francois Alfred Delobbe
Item ID:34000
The Young Musician
Francois Alfred Delobbe
Item ID:34001
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Delobbe, Francois Alfred was born in Paris in 1835. In 1851, he entered the l’ecole des Beaux-Arts and studies under Thomas Couture (1815-1879) and William Adolph Bouguereau (1825-1905), as well as the Imperial School of Drawing. In 1861, he will show for the first time in the salon des artistes Francais, a portrait of his mother that will draw much attention to his work. Delobbe paints only what is considered fashionable for the time, which is very academic subjects completely in the artistic taste of the era, and does not stray far from these methods in his lifetime. During the 1860s he sends work to the Salon most of the subjects are mythological or similar scenes, in the purest form that he was trained as an academic painter. His work will bring a variety of rewards as well as honors of the state, notably for the decoration of the city hall in the fifteenth district in Paris. He paints like his teacher W.A. Bouguereau in the purest classicism 'but as soon as he escapes from constraints of his Paris schooling, official commissions, and portraits, he returns to the countryside and becomes very sensitive to every day life, using the colors of the skies in Breton, to the simple and the little romantic attractions of the peasants that he observes with passion.
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