Francis Davis Millet
American Writer and Painter, 1846-1912
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Francis Davis Millet oil paintings
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Francis Davis Millet was born in Mattapoisett, Massachusetts. At age sixteen, Millet entered the Massachusetts regiment, first as a drummer boy and then a surgical assistant (helping his father, a surgeon) in the American Civil War. He repeatedly pointed to his experience working for his father as giving him an appreciation for the vivid blood red that he repeatedly used in his early paintings. He graduated from Harvard with a Master of Arts degree. He worked as a reporter and editor for the Boston Courier and then as a correspondent for the Advertiser at the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition.
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Complete list of Francis Davis Millet's oil paintings
Previous 10 Artists
- Francois Clouet French Renaissance miniaturist and painter, 1510-1572
- Francesco Ballesio Italian, 1860-1923
- Francesco Guardi Italian painter, 1712-1793
- Francesco Hayez Italian Romantic Painter, 1791-1882
- Francesco Paolo Michetti Italian, 1851-1929
- Francesco Salviati Italian Mannerist Painter, 1510-1563
- Francesco Solimena Italian Painter, 1657-1747
- Francia, Francesco Italian painter, 1450-1517
- Francesco Furini Italian Baroque painter of Florence, 1600-1646
- Francois Lemoyne French rococo painter, 1688-1737
Next 10 Artists
- Francis Sartorius British, 1734-1804
- Francisco Miralles Galup Spanish, 1848-1901
- Francois-Joseph Navez Belgian Neoclassical Painter, 1787-1869
- Frank Cadogan Cowper English artist, 1877-1958
- Frank Duveneck American figure and portrait painter, 1848-1919
- Frank Holl British, 1845-1882
- Francois-Xavier Fabre French Neoclassical Painter, 1766-1837
- Francois-Joseph Kinsoen Flemish painter, 1771-1839
- Francois-Edouard Picot French painter, 1786-1868
- Frans Snyders Flemish painter of animals and still life, 1579-1657
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