Frank Cadogan Cowper

English artist, 1877-1958
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Frank Cadogan Cowper oil paintings
Molly Duchess Of Nona
Frank Cadogan Cowper
Item ID:35590
The last of the Pre-Raphaelites
Frank Cadogan Cowper
Item ID:35591
La Belle Dame sans Merci
Frank Cadogan Cowper
Item ID:35592
Fair Rosamund and Eleanor
Frank Cadogan Cowper
Item ID:35593
The Ugly Duckling
Frank Cadogan Cowper
Item ID:35594
Elizabeth, Daughter of Major General F V B Willis
Frank Cadogan Cowper
Item ID:35595
Frank Cadogan Cowper
Item ID:35596
Saint Francis of Assisi
Frank Cadogan Cowper
Item ID:35597
La Belle Dam Sans Merci
Frank Cadogan Cowper
Item ID:35598
Our Lady of the Fruits of the Earth
Frank Cadogan Cowper
Item ID:35599
Lancelot Slays the Caitiff Knight Sir Tarquin
Frank Cadogan Cowper
Item ID:35600
Four Queens Find Lancelot Sleeping
Frank Cadogan Cowper
Item ID:35601
St Agnes in Prison
Frank Cadogan Cowper
Item ID:35604
The Golden Bowl
Frank Cadogan Cowper
Item ID:35605
Frank Cadogan Cowper
Item ID:35606
Vanity II
Frank Cadogan Cowper
Item ID:35607
Venetian Ladies Listening to a Serenade
Frank Cadogan Cowper
Item ID:35608
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Frank Cadogan Cowper (16 October 1877- 17 November 1958) was an English artist, described as "The last of the Pre-Raphaelites". Cowper was born in Wicken, Northamptonshire, son of an author and early pioneer of coastal cruising in yachts, Frank Cowper, and grandson of the Rector of Wicken. He first studied art at St John's Wood Art School in 1896 and then went on to study at the Royal Academy Schools from 1897-1902. He first exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1899, and achieved critical success two years later with his An Aristocrat answering the Summons to Execution, Paris 1791 (1901). In 1902, he spent six months studying under Edwin Austin Abbey before travelling to Italy. He worked in both watercolours and oils, and also worked as book illustrator - providing the illustrations for Sir Sidney Lee's The Imperial Shakespeare. He contributed to a mural in the Houses of Parliament in 1910 along with Byam Shaw, Ernest Board and Henry Arthur Payne. As art fashion changed Cowper increasingly exhibited his portrait paintings but still continued to produce historical and literary works. He retired from London to Gloucestershire. His The Ugly Duckling was voted the favourite painting by visitors to the Cheltenham Art Gallery and Museum in 2005.
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