Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo
Italian, 1727-1804
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Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo oil paintings
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Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo (August 30, 1727 - March 3, 1804) was a Venetian painter and printmaker in etching. He was the son of artist Giovanni Battista Tiepolo and elder brother of Lorenzo Baldissera Tiepolo. Domenico was born in Venice, studied under his father, and by the age of 13 was the chief assistant to him. He was one of the many assistants, including Lorenzo, that transferred the designs of his father (executed in the 'oil sketch' invented by the same). By the age of 20, he was producing his own work for commissioners.
He assisted his father in Würzburg 1751-3, decorating the famous stairwell fresco, in Vicenza at the Villa Valmarana in 1757, and in Madrid at the palace of Charles III from 1762-70.
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Complete list of Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo's oil paintings
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- Giuseppe de Nittis Italian Painter, 1846-1884
- Giuseppe Maria Crespi Italian Baroque Era Painter, 1665-1747
- Glendening, Alfred British Painter, 1861-1907
- Gleyre, Charles Swiss Academic Painter, 1806-1874
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